Find out how to control the air you breathe

AIR Quality Monitoring

Air quality monitoring is crucial for maintaining a healthy, comfortable, and productive environment. By leveraging advanced data analysis, dedicated software tools, and secure data storage, you gain valuable insights into the air you breathe.

Advanced Data Analysis

Software for Monitoring

Secure Storage Data

Real-Time Data Sharing

Sharing with all in your building

Smart Reporting

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Indoor air quality monitoring is crucial for a healthier and safer living and working environment.


Outdoor air quality monitoring is absolutely essential to protect public health and the environment.

Outdoor X Pro

Ideal solution for the poultry industry: an Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide detector for  monitoring.


Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and highly toxic gas produced by incomplete combustion of fuels. 


Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is a harmful air pollutant generated mainly by vehicle emissions and industrial activities. 


Ozone (O₃) plays a crucial role in the atmosphere but can be hazardous at ground level. 


Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) is a toxic gas mainly produced by burning fossil fuels and industrial activities.


Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S)  is commonly found in industrial settings, sewage systems, and oil refining.


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are chemicals released from various household products, industrial processes, and vehicle emissions.

Our device for indoor or outdoor monitoring


We Are Increasing Security With Technology

Report sensor

Your sensor data is always just a click away. Print or share your data wherever and whenever you want.

Online Documents

All documents and their deadlines are listed in a digital archive that can be consulted and downloaded wherever you are.


In case of danger in your laboratory you will be warned in real time with a digital alert on your smartphone and PC.


Welcome to the future, you can visualize the value of augmented reality sensors in your lab.

Air quality monitoring is not an OPTION

Carbon Dioxide CO2

As we know, every time we breathe we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The air we inhale contains 21% oxygen and 0.035% CO2, while the air we exhale contains 16% oxygen and 4% CO2! It is easy to understand how in environments with little or no air exchange, we can quickly reach unhealthy concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Atmospheric pressure mBar

Atmospheric pressure has a direct effect on the density of air

Temperature C°

According to WHO provisions and national regulations, the temperature to be maintained in the environments must not exceed 20°, with a tolerance of ±2° in excess and in defect, therefore the ideal is between 18°–22°.

Humidity % RH

Relative humidity should NEVER exceed 60%; even better if its level is between 50% and 55%.

Nitrogen Dioxide NO2

Toxic gas irritating to the mucous membranes and responsible for specific pathologies affecting the respiratory system, e.g. bronchitis, allergies, irritations.

Carbon Monoxide CO

While the effects on the environment are to be considered substantially scarce or negligible, with regard to the hygienic-sanitary aspects it is worth noting the high affinity (about 240 times higher than that for oxygen) that this gas demonstrates towards hemoglobin with the formation of an extremely stable complex
Headache and dizziness are generally recognized as the first symptoms of poisoning by this chemical
compound: further and subsequent physiopathological effects are psychomotor alterations with decreased alertness,
visual acuity, learning ability and the execution of manual tests.
Recent epidemiological studies have finally demonstrated the causal association between increased CO concentrations and increased total daily mortality, and specific mortality for cardiovascular and short-term respiratory diseases.COCarbon monoxide (CO) is an
odorless, colorless, flammable and very toxic gas. It is produced by combustion reactions in the absence of air.

Methane CH4

It ranks second in the list of the main causes of climate change, causing air pollution and the reduction of the ozone layer.

Formaldehyde CH2O

It can be released from chipboard and plywood furniture (especially when new) Formaldehyde is strongly suspected of being one of the agents most implicated in Sick Building Syndrome, so much so that it is used as a reference unit to express the contamination of an indoor environment by a mixture of non-resolvable substances.
Formaldehyde causes eye, nose and throat irritation, sneezing, coughing, fatigue and skin rashes; however, susceptible or immunologically sensitized individuals may have adverse reactions even at lower concentrations.

VOC Organic Compounds

VOC is a grouping of a broad range of organic chemical compounds to simplify reporting when they are present in ambient air or emissions. Many substances, such as natural gas, could be classified as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are reserved for characterizing such substances in polluted air, i.e. VOCs generally refer to the gas vapors emitted by the compounds rather than the liquid phase.

Noise dB

The law first establishes that, to avoid hearing damage, the daily exposure limit cannot exceed 87 decibels (dB) or 140 dB peak.
For values ​​above 85 dB(A), the use of PPE is mandatory. However, it is recommended to use PPE even when the values ​​are lower than 85 dB(A).
Attention: the intensity (“sound level”) of noise is measured in decibels (dB). However, the measurement scale is particular: an increase in the sound level of 3 decibels represents a doubling of the intensity of the noise.


We Provide Real Time Data Sensor